Sunday, January 1, 2017

Where Are You Going?

For many, this is the time of year when they feel they get a fresh start. They excitedly anticipate what the New Year will bring and what can be. That often leads to New Years Resolutions...

I am not big on them.

Truthfully, I never have been.

The idea of New Years Resolutions is almost on the right track.  In reality, they lack staying power.  The longevity just isn't there. If there isn't a bigger picture they fit into, if resolutions do not fit where you are going as an individual, family, etc. they go nowhere. The repeated failure can create a cycle that leaves you stuck. You end up going nowhere.

A few weeks ago I shared a story with a group of women. I was surprised it came up and honestly a little taken aback with how passionate I was regarding the point I was making.

The Challenge was: Where are you going?

We have a dream to go to New York this year with some very dear friends. YAY!! We have a couple of dates worked out, we are searching for flight sales, we are researching what we want to do. We are having fun anticipating. The dream has started the action. It is fun.

Do you have a dream?

Who do you want to be?

What do you want your marriage or relationships to be?

What qualities and characteristics do you want your family to exhibit?

Have you dreamed any dreams for these things?

My parents have always been spiritual giants to me.  From the time I was young, their love for God impacted me. My Mom has displayed a servant heart, practical help for others and humility that I have always desired. My Dad demonstrated a passion for people, the word of God and spiritual disciplines. They live lives that make following Jesus attractive.

As a young woman, I was frustrated that I wasn't more like my Dad. Every evening I had seen my Dad study his Bible, from the time I was little. As a young adult, I was discouraged with my lack of discipline. Craig gently told me one day "You don't know where your Dad was at when he was twenty." Hmmm....

I was comparing myself to a man a couple of decades ahead of me. Even my memories as a little girl were of a man 10 years older than I was at the time. With Craig's challenge, it all came clear, it was an unfair comparison, but a worthy goal.

Instead of comparing, I set a direction for who I wanted to be. I got specific. I started to take steps toward that goal and align myself with people seeking that similar goal.  You learn to spot them along the way.

It takes a big picture idea, focus, action and accountability to achieve a goal.  I think New Years Resolutions fall short in most of these areas. Instead of making a resolution,
  1. Dream a dream. define where you are going.
  2. Identify the steps you need to take to get there.
  3. Start with the first steps.
  4. Align yourself with people who are already going there, they inspire you to keep going. When you get off track, they are the ones to see it first and help you find your way again.
  5. Tell some one. Be vulnerable with those people you are aligning with, let them really journey with you. They can be your biggest cheerleaders, and often see growth when you do not.
  6.  Build in regular evaluation check-points. It is important to take a block of time where you can fairly look at where you are, where you came from and what the next steps are in getting you to your destination. Consider sitting down and booking off some time every few months, a minimum of 4 times this year where you will take the chance to evaluate. Take that chance to set course, realign if needed and push on.
  7. Don't give up. You are not going to get it perfect or even close every day. Don't waste time beating yourself up. Press on.

It is an interesting thing to dream a dream, action begins.  You start moving toward realizing it. If you don't know what God is putting on your heart, pray. If you get stuck, pray. If you can't find the people to align with, pray.  God can give you sight to see what is next, who he has for you or what direction he wants you to head. Just don't stop. Press on.

Keep your eyes on where you are going!

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