Sunday, November 8, 2015

Catch and Release. Wait, WHAT???

I am sitting in the airport waiting for a flight. It is Sister's Weekend!! Yay!! I love these small get aways with my sister. So awesome!!

This time we are meeting in Calgary. Shopping, good food, girl talk. THE BEST! And for any and all sisters, a necessity!!

This time we get to see my sweet girl and her team play some Volleyball. I am barely able to acknowledge my excitement for fear I may completely startle the people around me. I am worried that if I let the door open a little, the damn will break. It is quite likely that would result in a 911 call because the elderly person sitting 10 feet to my right may have a heart attack. That is how excited I am.

I have not seen my girls' sweet face in 75 days. I only counted for writing this, really! For 18 years I have cared for this precious offspring. At the most we have spent a week apart.  I know she is an adult, but let's be honest, in my heart of hearts, she is my baby girl! 75 days!!! 

At this point I would like to acknowledge there are different kinds of Mom's. We each approach our role uniquely. That is good, in fact, it is great! I will celebrate your strengths and difference, in return, please allow me mine. Diversity is good people :)

I am the Mom that gets grumpy when school supplies turn up in the stores in the middle of July. What is up with that?! We haven't even had time to unwind from the year we just finished! 

I start slipping into a funk at the end of August because September is right around the corner.  It takes all my will power to not snap when yet another cashier reminds me that school is starting soon. No I am not eager to send my kids off again! We are having fun!! 

I count down the days to Christmas break and throw a party when I find out Spring Break is two glorious weeks. 

While I know my kids need to get a summer job,  I do not want to share the precious little time I have left. I feel this on the inside while I tell them " No way are you lying around next summer! It is time for you to experience real work! You are getting a job!!" I say it emphatically, and convincingly I might add. Then at night when they are asleep, I ask Craig if they really need to, I want to play instead. Yeah, I know, poor Craig! For these reasons, in order to prevent overwhelming our children with,, it was good we handed them over for someone else to educate. I am jealous of all who get more time with them than me. That is the truth.

You may be a Mom who rejoices with what causes me grief. I may feel dismay at what brings you great happiness. I am okay with that. It is alright that we do this differently, I am convinced these differences are fantastic,  you are an amazing Mom! 

So for the first time in my life, I have not seen my sweet daughter for 75 days in a row. Yes, to those of you with little ones tugging on your pant legs, it is going to happen. Sooner than you think. It is completely unimaginable. In truth, it is totally splendid and thoroughly awful all at once. 

In 1 sleep, I will see her sweet face. Oh, how I miss it!! I will see her stunning eyes that with one glance tell me everything I need to know. I will hear her beautiful voice, laugh and wit. Best of all, I will get to wrap her up in my arms and hug her tight,  give her rosy cheek a kiss, and run my hands through her gorgeous hair tempted beyond belief to braid it as I did when she was little.

The next part, well I am not so sure how to do it. I do not actually think I will be able to unwrap the hug. I don't think I will actually be able to release her. No, really! Honest! I mean it! I am actually afraid I will just drag her back home like a Mother bear bring her cub back to the den. Can't you just see it??? Lord. Have. Mercy. I can't breath!!

Tears are streaming down my face as I type this in the airport lobby. How am I going to let her go?! Help... I still can't breath!!

I am glad it is my sister coming with me. As an older sister, she is immune to my tears. My awesome, and amazing husband simply is not. She alone is equipped for this first official "catch and release" visit. 

First, she may be small but she is shockingly strong and incredibly willful, if needed, I believe she will be able to pry me off and free my daughter. Secondly, she can effectively employ the technique of mocking to shame me into appropriate behaviour. She has had decades of unique training for this as an older sibling. It is a super power she has keenly honed to perfection. Finally, to avoid the drama little sisters resort to, she has developed her skills of wit and humour.  She has learned exactly how and when to get me to laugh instead of cry. She is excellent at this. Enough said. 

So while, I am thrilled, I am also a little apprehensive. I have the perfect companion for this adventure. Thank you Lord. What a gift my Sister is! we go!!!

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