Sunday, November 22, 2015

A Response to Fear

Reading through social media this week, it became clear that the global events of the last days took away our compassion and replaced it with fear.  Only a couple of months ago the site of a small boy, who died in a desperate run for freedom resulted in people pushing governments to open borders. Now there is a push to close our borders. In Canada, a Mosque was burned, a Hindu temple vandalized. A Muslim women was attacked in Toronto. These are the actions of cowardly people. These are the actions of fear.

I do believe in the system, proper background checks, proper accountability. Instead of closing our borders, we should be asking our government to keep our immigration ministry workers overseas so there is a better chance of proper information being found. At this point they want to remove all overseas workers and do the whole job from Canada. That is right, in reality the dollar means more than the safety of our citizens both those here and the ones wanting to become part of our great country. We should not close our borders. These people need hope and a future.

When I was a young mother, we were experiencing circumstances that caused me great fear. It began to crush me. It robbed me of joy, hope and strength. I was overwhelmed and sinking in it. During an evening with our small group. We studied the Bible and them spent some time in silence and prayer. As I quieted my mind in the presence of God, he reminded me through a vision of Jesus and his follower Peter. 

The historical account is recorded in Matthew 14:22-33 the disciples went off in the boat while Jesus stayed back to pray. The boat was off a distance and Jesus walked out on the water to it. After identifying himself, Peter asks Jesus to call him to walk on the water. It was at this point I saw things from Peters viewpoint. Getting out of the boat, looking at the face of Jesus. Then, feeling the strength of the wind against my face. My eyes falling from Jesus to see the waves and wind around me. Sinking, panic, fear. Crying out "Lord, save me!". Feeling the strength of a firm grip on my arm and being pulled to safety. 

I felt God gently tell me "Keep your eyes on my face, don't look at the storm around you." 

Keep your eyes on my face.

The fear left. Each day, my purpose was to keep my eyes on Jesus. Peace, hope and joy returned to my soul.

You see, we kid ourselves thinking we can control our world, our circumstances, our lives. We cannot. We don't. It is a delusion we try desperately to keep in place until unimaginable events take place.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus casts away fear because it brings assurance. To live is Christ, to die is gain (Philippians 1:21). Either way, I am secure. I have nothing to fear. I can live in freedom because I know the love, faithfulness and goodness of my Lord. I know he has it all under control and he is worthy of my complete trust. I know his will endures in spite of the plans of men. I know he is just, true and sovereign.

For those impacted personally by the chaos, I pray fear will not take hold of your life. I pray freedom for you.

I reject fear. It only steals and robs my soul of all that is good. When the world around me does not make sense, I look at the face of my Lord. I ask him to steady my gaze on Him. I will not let fear take away the freedom Jesus promises me. And I will seek to bring that freedom to others.
Look at the face of Jesus.  Let his perfect love chase away fear.

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