Thursday, June 18, 2015

Soul Sisters!

I have taken the week off. It is needed down time to give an injury some time to heal. It is time to regroup. This time of year is crazy with school wrapping up. Kids are tired and cranky. Parents are barely keeping all the balls in the air. Honestly, had I not had the foresight to see the need, I may be losing my mind right now.

Instead, I carved out some time to fill my soul, clear my head and gain back a little ground physically.

Whew! Am I ever glad!   

My goal was to keep this time free of "I have to" commitments. I have succeeded at this. For me, this is a massive victory. I am glad I have achieved this goal! Yay me!!!

I have filled my days with life giving engagements. Reading, photography, exercise, gardening, and studying theology ( I know, let it go, to each their own!). And the best part? Dates with friends!! I have kept it to a bare minimum, so I didn't get to visit with all my friends. I tried to pace myself.  I kept it on the slow side. The very slow side. It was hard because I have a number of people I want to connect with. 

I am not a true introvert or extrovert. As a child I was naturally introverted. I think both my parents would agree on that. Yet, as I grew, I realized that I looked forward to times with friends and found that could be energizing sometimes also. Being a mix, the balance is tricky and I don't quite fit either group well. I like being in a group sometimes, but not a large one. To be really honest, the foyer at our church scares the living day lights out of me. No kidding!  I don't do small talk well. I get flustered, wonder if I am keeping some one too long. I can manage a great array of questions that can keep someone else talking. Then I wonder if I have gotten too personal and if they want to escape. I love learning about people. Unfortunately, this can leave someone scared and wondering if they have exposed way to much of themselves. What I really love is unhurried, relaxed, person to person, heart conversation. That is where the gold is!

This week, the few times with friends have been really good for my soul! It is so great to visit, catch up and then share what is happening at a deeper level. There is something that is very life giving about deep, real, honest conversation. As women, we generally know we need it. It is such a gift to have people in my life who I can trust. People who will love even my unlovely side. I have been blessed with many incredible, dear friends. Even though we do not see each other as often as we wish, we know we are there for each other.  I have come to realize through my life how precious these friendships are. I cherish them. I know I will work hard to keep them. 

They are a mercy given for this journey of life. What a treasure they are. They are my soul sister's. I am beyond grateful for them. I am so blessed by them. They have made this journey so much richer. I would live in the snow capped Arctic just to be with them. We have encouraged each other, strengthened each other, laughed and cried with each other. We have been through the best and worst of times together. All of it has been made more meaningful because we have lived it together, because we have survived it together. 

I am a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend because of them.  They have helped me learn and grow. They have challenged me, seen situations differently, brought different life wisdom and experience to the mix. Together their lives have enriched me by bringing diversity and breadth. Their skills, perspectives, histories and personalities have all tumbled out into this beautiful well of support and discernment. What a treasure!! 

It is worth the risk of exposing yourself to find these friends. You may get hurt along the way, but finding them makes it worth it in the end!  I love you girls! You know who you are. I may or may not have had the chance to be with you this week, regardless, you are a treasure to me.  My life is so much richer because of your part in it. Thank you for sharing yourself with me! Thank you doesn't seem an adequate expression of appreciation, but it is all I have. It will have to be enough. Love you!! I thank The Lord for you! I think I need pictures with you!

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