Monday, June 8, 2015

It All Happened So Fast!!

I can't get going today. I feel stuck in time, unable to move.

I spent the morning scrolling through old pictures to find a shot of Sydney and a friend from back when they were in grade 1 or 2.

Truthfully... I am a Hot Mess!

Whew! What a weekend! I didn't post yesterday. I was recovering from Prom preparations. Then a crazy bunch of amazing girls spent the night.

We made it through brunch and spent the rest of the day trying to catch up on lost sleep.

We did it! We made it through prom!! It was amazing to watch S with her friends, all dressed up. I cannot put words to all of what has/is happening in my heart and mind right now. That could be the result of only 4 hours of sleep.

First. Our daughter was so reasonable and easy to work with in preparing for prom. She displayed great character. She was thoughtful of others, had proper priorities. She viewed prom appropriately as a fun evening, nothing more. She has surrounded herself with friends who are amazing young women. They are are intelligent, confident, loyal and kind. They love to laugh, have fun, they just "get" each other.  For these things, we are so thankful. They all looked absolutely stunning! It is something, really difficult to put into words to see a daughter dress up. To reveal her beauty in a formal way. Wow, just WOW.

Somehow in the last few years, this has happened!! What I lack in words, pictures will have to tell.

I am thankful! Overwhelmed with gratefulness.

I am thankful for so much through these years and the many things we have done together:
Bath time
Story time
Blowing bubbles
Tea parties
Play dough
Playing pretend and dress up
Starting school
Making new friends
Learning the alphabet
Imagination games
Chalk drawing
Learning to read
Down Hill Skiing
Riding bikes
Playing at the park
Field trips
Playing at the lake
Learning to print
More learning
Friday night family night
More great friends
Water skiing and Wake Boarding
Playing in the ocean
Learning to drive

And so much more!!

Looking back, we have been given such a beautiful life together. Not all easy, but beautiful!! Sure I have some regrets. I regret that time moves quickly. I wish I had been more patient at times. Maybe ranted less in my moments of frustration. 

Mostly, I feel like we have been able to grab the time we have, the time given to us, and we have used it well. I feel like we strove to give the best of ourselves to each other. I love being your mother. I love it that you call and ask permission to skip on "Senior Skip" day. I am not admitting to anything here where it stays on permanent record! I have often marveled at what an amazing person you are. There are qualities you possess that I deeply admire. You are comfortable with who you are. You are loyal, kind and funny. I love that you are committed to believing the best of others, a deep intellect, thoughtfulness, careful spending, confidence to choose what is right, integrity, courage, chutzpah, grit and countless others qualities.  I couldn't have dreamed this journey. It has far exceeded my expectations. I can't believe God trusted us with you, I believe you were more his gift to us than we were to you! I have loved it, every bit of it. I regret it has gone so quickly but I sure am excited for the next stage!! The ride isn't over. Lets keep grabbing the time given us and using it well. We are just switching tracks. I couldn't be more confident in your future. It is bright!! Here's to what's next Peanut! Can I still call you peanut? ;)

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