Sunday, October 1, 2017

Help I am a Mom: New Ground

Our family is quickly transitioning from a household of teenagers to a house of young adults who may or may not live our home, with us.

This is not my favorite transition.

Ok, so I am not fond of transitions in general. I am VERY not fond of this one!!

This is new ground.

It is funny because each stage has been a wonderful surprise of joy, delight, and challenges. This parenting thing, while not for the faint of heart, is very interesting and crazy fun!

My kids are on new ground too.

There are endless possibilities in front of them. This can be overwhelming! Guiding them during this time is often very hands off.  I want to see what they are going to do!! Not what I think they should do!

From my perspective. The young adult years are a great place to be. From their perspective, it can be a little daunting at times. OK, a lot daunting. Well, really the future feels like a tidal wave that is going to crush them.

Here is the thing I want my kids to know about new ground.
  1. There is a lot of adventure to be had when on new ground. put aside your angst and grab your exploration gear!!
  2. You have never been here and never will be again.  Have some fun with this!!
  3. There are many ways to approach new ground. Mix it up a little! You don't have to do what everyone else is doing!
  4. There is no hurry. That needs repeating! THERE IS NO HURRY! This is not a race.You have time.  Stop looking at what everyone else is doing, comparing and getting anxious. Take your time and enjoy the journey. 
  5. It's your journey, it isn't supposed to look like anyone else's!! You are one of a kind, there is no one like you, no one's journey will look like yours. There will be similarities, but your road is your own.
  6.  You will never be this free from commitments, responsibilities, and have this time again. It is a really special time. So reflect, dream a little, learn what you want and do it!
  7.  Life is actually happening. You don't have to wait for school to be done to start living, life is what happens while you are in school. 
  8. Ask questions. What did people do when they were your age? What do your friends want to do? What do people wish they had done? When you are 80, what memories are you going to wish you had?
  9. Pay attention! What is interesting? What don't you like? What gets you excited? Do you like routine or do you need change? Do you like things to be predictable or do you like a challenge? Do you need the challenge of constant learning?  Job shadow, ask people what they do and what they like about their jobs.
  10. Life is not a straight line. Don't' worry so much about what you are going to do with your life. The road you are on is going to lead you where you need to be. don't be so wound up about it!!
No one gets to the end of their life having done it all. We all wish we would have traveled more, taken that risk, explored that opportunity.  The goal is to get to the end of life with as few "I wish I had..." statements as possible!  Listen to your heart! And as my husband used to say as our kids went out the door...
Make good choices!!!

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