Sunday, January 24, 2016


Heading into this year, I knew the financial stress we would feel. Being on one income for four months due to surgery, Craig and I were both conscious of how creative we would have to be. We were uncomfortably aware that in the short term, our finances might not be pretty. 

We survived on one income when the kids were younger but with food prices the way they are and raising a couple of teenage boys... yeah, YIKES! 

As I came to the Lord with this concern and the guilt of adding, even more, pressure to my dearest man, I was feeling the weight of it. Craig never once did anything to make me feel that guilt. It was ALL me. I am learning to bring troubles to God more quickly.  He is ever faithful and good.

God did what He promises to do in His Word. In mercy and gentleness, God took my burden and replaced it with peace. In the last seven months, every time this concern would rise up, peace would wash over me.

Joni Eareckson Tada in her book "Hope...the Best of Things" says, "You may not realize it, and it may seem odd, but the sufferings that are scratching at your door are the very windows through which God wants to shine his brightest rays of hope. He wants to illumine your heart with his peace, power and perspective." He did just that for me. It is crazy amazing!!

In fall, our daughter approached us with the opportunity her team had been asked to consider. A missions trip to Costa Rica, costing $3750.00. We told her we would pray about it. I knew right away that God was calling her to go. When I thought of our limited ability to financially support her, again, God affirmed that He would provide. We told Sydney that if she felt God calling her to go, she should step out in faith. Where God leads, He always, always, provides. With excitement, we watched her take the step of faith and trust Him.

As a family, we began to pray regularly that if this was God's plan for her, He would be pleased to provide.

God is true to his word.

Scripture reveals this.

After telling His people, the Israelites what will happen, God tells them their response once His words come true. He says to them,

 "Then you will know that I am the Lord. Those who put their hope in me will not be ashamed.” Isaiah 49:23a 

This is how God has been our Provider, it just gets me so excited to share His faithfulness with you!

One week post-op. Craig and I received a large financial gift. It has taken the pressure off us financially. There are no adequate words. God is so good in his timing. May He mightily bless those who have been so generous to us. What else can we say...Thank you, Lord!! Thank you to those who use their resources to bless others. It has meant so much, and honestly, saying "Thank You" feels so inadequate. This gift has made a world of difference to us. We are so humbled by the blessing God has given us through you. 

Then that same day, and over the next 4 days, God raised up more people to share their resources so very generously. Sydney now has 96% of her financial need met for her Costa Rica trip
That is SO crazy!!!

Each gift a precious testament to God's faithfulness and the response of people to His purposes. Each giver, an encouragement and treasure to us.

This is truly a life lived to the fullest. A courtside seat to witness the merciful acts of a good God. 

We are almost speechless!! Well, it's me...not quite speechless ;)

There are no words sufficient to express what your generosity means. In less than a week, all of this.


We are spinning from it.

To hear our child who once told us she didn't believe in God and who deeply struggled with faith exclaim,"If that is not God, I don't know what is!"

Powerful. Mind. Blowing. Powerful!!

To have our sons see God move so specifically in answer to her need and ours is incredible too.

Inexpressible joy!!!

Thank you to all who have responded to God's nudge and been a part of this incredible journey. We appreciate it all more than we can say.

God does not always move so quickly. He is building the faith of our children. As we mature in our faith, He stretches the timeline.

In one area of our lives, Craig and I have waited on God for 13 years. Even in this situation, God is good. Even in this endless waiting, God has provided. It may not be the answer we want, it may feel like He is asking us to wait longer, even when we feel our strength has faded. This is not an occasion to doubt God. Instead, we watch for moments like this. God is still at work and we choose to trust Him for His best. I do not always do this perfectly. Times like this remind me that God is still mindful of us and our situation. Even when we do not see Him working it out, the truth is that He has it completely under control.

God is good. He keeps His word. We put our trust in Him and have not been put to shame.

We have personally experienced Him as Provider, Jehovah Jireh, through the generosity of His people. What a beautiful, unforgettable blessing.

Psalm 25:1-3a
1 In you, Lord my God,
    I put my trust.
2 I trust in you;
    do not let me be put to shame,
    nor let my enemies triumph over me.
3 No one who hopes in you
    will ever be put to shame.

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