Sunday, June 4, 2017

Dear Graduates...

High School Grad occurred this weekend for our son. He was a little nonchalant about it. and honestly, that is mostly our fault.

You see, we have told him High School Grad is a basic expectation. While being a step in his path to achievement, we assume it is going to happen.  After Grad, he is still an unskilled worker in society and success in life is not guaranteed.  They have finished the prep work and are now at the start line.

Dear Graduates;

There are things your teachers, parents and the world will tell you that are simply not true.

1. You can be anything.  I do not know where this one came from. It just simply is not true. There are things that you cannot do.  No matter how hard you believe in yourself, some things are just not yours to be had.  You have certain skills, talents, abilities and interests and if you take opportunities that arise, develop them and see where they lead, it is going to be a very interesting life.

You have limitations. These are also part of what make you unique and human. Learn to accept these limitations, shine where you shine and let others shine where they shine.

Can you own an Island, fly a jet and be a billionaire? Well, the stats are not in your favor. Eventually, you are going to have to be OK with that!

2. Academic success (straight A's, insane GPA's and 99 percentiles) is everything. Schools might not say this out loud, but it is implied through the awards schools present and unbalanced glorification of those who thrive in the academic setting. Academics is one aspect of life. I personally love academics! Graduated the top of my Program at UNBC. Now, 18 years later, who cares??? Seriously! Who. Cares!

Balance is important, so is community involvement. I just spoke with a gentleman who is involved in hiring staff. They actively look for individuals who are well rounded.  Academic success does not always equal well rounded.

3. Do what you are passionate about. Really???  Let's be honest, how many people in the world earn a living at their passion?  Come on!  I apologize for this myth, we almost paralyze many of you with it. It is really unfair. First of all, you are 18, you probably do not know yet what your passion is! That is OK, you will discover it, no worries. Really, do not worry about it.

If you do know your passion and you pursue it for work, you very likely will diminish your passion for it. And finally, most of us do what we are passionate about after work or on the weekend.  If you work at what was previously your hobby, what will be your hobby? Filling your whole life up with work brings us right back to #2! 

Here is the reality, 

1. Learning to work well with others is foundational. Treat people the way you want to be treated. With the chaos in the world right now, that could stand being said again.
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Some of you will have to learn this after the bubble of High School because you got away with some completely unacceptable behavior while there. Many of you figured this out early and it shows,  emotionally healthy adults can pick up on this! Before you talk, act, or respond ask yourself would I want someone to talk, act, or respond to me this way? It goes a long way to making family, workplaces and the world a better place. Get this and you are ahead of 75% of people!

2. Take time, travel, work, try new things and take risks. Develop yourself in any way you can.  Become well rounded. Opportunity will arise and it is to your advantage to take it and find out what it reveals. Find out your interests and follow them. If something intrigues your curiosity, follow it. Most of us are working in fields that focus on what we are interested in. If it keeps our interest and curiosity, that is a great way to spend a work week! Start where you are interested, the rest will come together, trust me!

3.  You are going to really not like this one! I didn't at your age. Listen to the people who know and love you! They have watched you grow and know you. They see your strengths and the honest ones will acknowledge your weaknesses. They can give you insight into yourself. They can give you ideas about what this world might have for you. Listening doesn't mean you have to do it. OK!?! But, it will give you a starting point. Investigating those areas might cause you to trip upon the one you are interested in.

I am not telling you these things to burst your bubble. I care, I see how the lies society throws at you cause you frustration, can paralyze you from taking action and often overwhelm you with unhealthy expectation.  We have made this next step seem so important and life altering that you may feel afraid to start.  

It is not that intense.

Many of us zig zag and change direction. a few of us have false starts and then discover what is really important to us and head off in that direction. The path is not always straight. There are detours and corners, tunnels and sometimes the path just stops and it is the chance to look for a new one. This is the adventure of life. Do not get so focused on the destination that you forget to live while on the journey.

Enjoy it!

Praying for your best!

With Love,

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