Sunday, December 4, 2016

I Need Christmas!

There is nothing like driving during the Christmas season, in parking lots, while you have PMS to remind you that you need a Savior...

It is why I need Christmas.

There is nothing like the frustration of the shoes on the floor instead of the shoe rack, bags lying around rather than on their hooks hanging neatly out of the way, or clutter building up through the week.  Let's not even mention the state of the bathroom!!!

Sure, I can rationalize my frustration. "I have only been asking 5 days a week, for the last 20 years that the backpacks get hung on their hooks." Who wouldn't be frustrated?

Yeah, I have asked every day for the last 2 decades that shoes be put on the rack, who would blame me for losing my mind over this. Am I right!?! Maybe I have the right to snap at my kids rather than reminding them in love to do something they should know how to do.

While it might be understandable, it doesn't make it right. I may want to rationalize my temptation to have a tantrum, That immediate frustration is startling sometimes. It reminds me of my ugly sinful nature, I am constantly in battle with.

When I lose it, I could minimize it and say "you win some, you lose some."

Somehow, that just doesn't sit right.

If I am really wanting to grow spiritually and reflect Christ in my life.  That kind of approach will only hold me back.  It tries to make what is wrong seem less wrong. I don't see God ever do that in scripture.  That should tell me there is something wrong with that approach.

I need Christmas. The season is an opportunity to reflect on the lengths to which God went to save me.

I need to be saved from myself, I want to be freed from my sinful nature. I cannot achieve victory over it on my own.

I need Christmas.

The season reminds me of all that Jesus gave up. He had a face to face relationship with God. Perfect union and harmony. Jesus released this, let go of all his powers, became fully human and submitted to the Father.Christmas to remind me of this.

In light of all that, I cannot rationalize my sin. It cost too much. Christmas keeps me from minimizing the sin that made all that he did necessary.

It started in the manger and leads to the cross.

I need Christmas because I need a Savior.

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