Sunday, October 18, 2015

Coaches Wanted!!

Just over a year ago, Sydney was at a College trying out for a sports team. We were excited at the invitation she received to come and train with the team for three days. If it hadn't been for her grade 9 Coach and a Coach who had trained her at a camp one summer, we would never have thought to pursue College. Those Coaches both saw something in our kid that we didn't have the insight or training to recognize. 

The camp Coach gave of her own free time to work with Sydney in preparation for her College tryouts. She took time out of her very busy life to training Sydney and talk to her about her mental game. It was incredibly generous. Unbelievable. This support gave Sydney the courage to take a chance.

At the end of the College try-outs, the College Coach said he really wanted to work with her. He told Sydney what he saw in her.  The qualities he mentioned were the same things those previous Coaches had recognized. She is at that College; her name is on the roster, and she is being challenged in her skill and character because of people who gave their time, encouraged her, believed in her and supported her.

This last month Craig was invited to work with our son's team. He is focusing development in the areas of character and team behaviour. Quin's coach recognized that it was not enough to train together. In order to reach their potential as a team, they needed to start working on character and team attitude. Recognizing her limited time, she was incredibly grateful for Craig's willingness to support this area of training.

I am almost jealous of Craig's chance to work with these guys. They are a fantastic group of young men. As Craig has engaged them in the areas of personal values, team values and individual character they have been receptive and responded with a sincere commitment.   They have risen to the challenge. They are hungry for the input, and they are working it out, on and off the court. It has been a transformation, not yet perfect, but moving rapidly in the right direction. Craig is extremely impressed with them. He looks forward to his time with them.

We have often told our kids that their love for and participation in sport is about much more than their personal enjoyment and success. Sport is about developing and honouring the gifts God has given to them. It is about using the opportunities given to them for developing relationships, character and playing to bring joy and delight to their Maker. He is the one who wired them for this. They are His light where he puts them. Every team, a chance to love the people around them well.

What I am seeing is an incredible opportunity for Adults to bring out the best in the next generation. Some schools are scrambling for Coaches. This is a huge need. Craig and I have often considered training for Coaching as a way to give our time to the next generation in meaningful ways. 

Coaching is an excellent opportunity to guide youth in the development of their character, teamwork and mutual respect. The youth of today are ready to be called higher. They will quickly meet the expectation and ask for more. Parents are glad for the support. We all know it takes a village to raise our kids. The input to our child's life from dedicated, caring, honest adults is something many of us are glad for. 

There is a need. We, the Church, could meet it.  Imagine!!!

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