Thursday, September 17, 2015

Who Is My Neighbor?

I have been reading the articles in the news about the Syrian refugee's. I have been scrolling through Facebook to see what is grabbing the attention of people. For over a year I have been praying about and working through my own attitude and thoughts on this issue. 

I cannot ignore the teaching of Jesus. He tells me to love my neighbor. Who is my neighbor? In this "global society", everyone! He tells me to love that neighbor as I want to be loved. hard words. If I call Jesus "My Lord" I am called to give what I have to another in need. The cloak off my back. More than that, I am called to love and pray for my enemy.  For me, as a believer, one group who I think fit into that category, those who I would consider enemies are those who kill my brothers and sisters. I am to pray for them. I am to try and love them...

I know. Our human nature is confused by this. Out inner spirit, the part still struggling to become holy cries against it.

Jesus warned his disciples that they would be persecuted. He told them that the ones who would kill them would believe that they were doing a service to God.

Sounds familiar doesn't it.

Jesus finishes in that chapter saying, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage—I have conquered the world.”  Fear is not to be my response. Peace is.  In this chapter he mentions that the Holy Spirit will be given to guide in truth.

I need to be at peace. I need to seek the Spirits guidance.

If I had been displaced from my home because of violence and my beliefs, I would hope another Country would give me the chance of a new home. I believe this is the right action. I know there are processes that need to be followed. I believe in those processes. I know we may let some zealots into our country. No system is perfect. That is happening anyway. We can't avoid it. We cannot avoid what is coming. We are to be wise, we are to be watchful, we are to love. I can choose to love as Jesus did. That is what I am called to, to love my neighbor and meet what needs I can. I am called to show love to my enemy and show what love I can.

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