Sunday, April 30, 2017

In Our Weakness

Do you have a weakness? A bad habit or behaviour that you cannot overcome? Some area of struggle that you cannot gain victory over? Something that reminds you that you are flawed, imperfect, unlovely? Has it been a source of shame? Have you kept it hidden because you fear if others knew about it they would reject you?  Do you worry it makes you unloveable?

Have you ever dreamt of what it might be like if you could tell someone about it? That when you finally got brave enough to tell someone, their reaction would be one of love, compassion, and acceptance?

Do you long for a someone?

Someone who knew everything about you and would still accept you? Where the fear of rejection is wiped away? How amazing would it be to have someone who did not define you by that flaw but rather could see who you are becoming regardless of it? Do you long for a friend who would believe the best about you even though they knew your weakness?

What would it be like if someone saw all of you and loved you fully anyway? What if they could see who you dreamed to be and stayed with you in your successes and failures as you journey towards that goal? Wouldn't life be great if there was a friend who would help pick you up when you fall? Someone who would encourage you? A friend who would remind  you of the dream of who you want to be when you have forgotten.  What if there was someone who could help you regain courage to continue to move towards that dream? What would that be like?

God is that someone. He sees you, He loves you and wants a relationship with you.  He sees who you are meant to be and longs even more than you to see you realize it. He longs to walk step by step through the ups and down, successes and failures as you journey. He longs for your affection and to love you fully in return. God wants to be the most important relationship in your life.

He wants the security and intimacy of your relationship with Him to give you courage to let others know you. He longs for His people to love one another and the world the way He has loved us.

Do you have a brother or sister in Christ whose struggle you have difficulty understanding? Do you have a trouble extending compassion? Are they struggling with something that you find straight forward and honestly can't figure out why it is a problem for them in the first place?

Have you ever considered that you might actually try to treat them in their place of struggle the way you want to be received in yours? You may not be weak in the same exact thing, but can you identify with weakness and imperfection? (I am challenging myself here)

How do you want to be received in your area failure? Can you extend that compassion and grace to another?

Can you treat them the way you want to be treated?

Can you offer a place of safety and love the way Jesus offered one to you?

Can you be for someone what you yourself have longed for?

Could we choose compassion and love instead of judgement or the falseness of tolerance?

If we can live like this in the family of God, we have a better chance of loving all people better.

This is where real community begins.

This is the kind of love that shows others we are people of God.

Can you be their someone?

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