Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Story of Us: Lisa's Side

Love at first sight? Pffft...right!?! 25 years ago, I didn't believe in it either!

I had gone to Bible School to deepen my faith. It was time to grapple at a deeper level intellectually with the things of God. In my first year I did have a boyfriend, he had broken up with me because I was holding us back. I was protecting myself. Things were getting more serious, and I tried to laugh it off, lightened it up. I had been hurt and I had hurt others in dating and I was scared.

I was part of a choir that toured BC a few weeks after that break up. I was processing. A few days before we went to Chilliwack there is a journal entry where I had written that I was tired of the ups and downs of dating, I wished that God would show me the face of my husband so I would know him when I met him and avoid future heart aches.

I was billeted at the home of a wonderful retired couple. Not many people stand out on a trip like that. This couple did. The husband prayed with passion and authority. I was very aware that he had spent a lifetime cultivating a deep relationship with God. The wife was a gracious hostess, practical and fun loving. Their love for each other was obvious and as I stood looking at her family photos, displayed above the piano, I remarked. "What a gorgeous family!" Honestly, a great looking crew!! I remember the moment like it was yesterday.

Getting on the bus the following morning a fellow choir mate said "There is a guy here who is really into you!"

Whatever, like I would ever see him again right?!?

Summer had been hard, many of my friends from Bible school were east. I went back to school determined to get to know the BC people. It was going to be a year of friendship and increasing knowledge and love for God. The first day of school, in walk three guys from BC. A few days later I was waiting in the lunch line with them and asking them why they had come to Bethany, the first two gave their answers and the third, Craig, said "To meet you!" I was taken off guard, he was about as shocked as I, with his friends graciously amused and covering for him. It was that night that we figured out I had stayed at his Grandparents house in Chilliwack. This guy was part of that gorgeous family I commented on.

During Thanksgiving, my sister was out to visit. She had arrived Wednesday  and on Friday morning she was telling me in the mail room that she had a date. Craig was walking by as I exclaimed to her "This is so typical! You have been here two days and already have a date, I have been here 6 weeks and not a single date!"  From the hallway I heard Craig say " I'll take you on a date!" I laughed it off!

Wednesday in the lunch line Craig came up asking what we were doing for our date. I had honestly thought he was joking "If you are asking me on a date, you better plan it, let me know when you are picking me up and let me know what to wear!" I replied.

October 21st was our first date. It was fun and real. We laughed, adventured, and talked openly and authentically about life. He was one of few people willing to admit they didn't have it all together, he was pursuing God and was honest about the challenges of faith and knowing God. I was desperately longing for conversations of this nature. It was a great evening!

I may not have recognized my husband by his face as I asked for in my journal, but I recognized his heart. He was insatiably hungry for the word of God. He was focused on his studies, faithful, respectful, self controlled, honest. He loved his family. He was hard working and enjoyed the same recreation I did. I knew he was the one.

That summer, I went down to visit Craig. I met the whole family that weekend, one of his cousins was getting married. I found myself in Craig's grandparent's house, staring at the photo's of this beautiful family again. Surrounded by the actual people.  Through the weekend, friends and cousins would say these interesting things. Craig had never told me we had met the weekend the choir had come through. As I listened to his Cousin Jane tell me that Craig couldn't keep his eye's off me when our choir sang and that he went to Bethany saying he was going to marry me, I was a little more than surprised. When I told him of the comments I had been receiving and then what his Cousin had said, Craig was shy about it and finally fessed up.  The night before our choir sang at his church, we had a BBQ with the youth and young adults. I remember a group sitting off by themselves, withdrawn. I grabbed a bunch of choir members and we went over to introduce ourselves, to try to get them involved. Craig was in that group. That was where it all started.

We were engaged later that summer. I wrecked it by driving home from work a different way and spotting his car. Oops!!

Our wedding was simple and fun. Craig's Youth Pastor Stan made the tribute to Craig and recalled how Craig and he had gone for coffee, Craig telling Stan that he was going off to Bible School and he was going to find his wife. The best part was that he already knew who she was...everytime I heard those comments I was floored. I never thought I was the pretty one. It made no sense to me!

We spent our first year at school completing our Bachelor's of Christian Ministry. It was a fantastic first year!

Marriage has had it's challenges, joy and suffering, are a reality of this life. Laughter is sweeter, joy is deeper, the future more inviting with my best friend by my side. Craig, while not perfect, is an incredible husband, amazing father and best friend I could ask for. He has challenged me, grown with me, tried new things together with me and been faithful through it all. He has seen the best in me when I was drowning in the worst. He is patient, loving and kind. He daily lives love out in practical ways. He is gentle, strong and servant-hearted.

We have had hard times. Knowing the only way through is together helps us continually choose each other. We are on the same side. We might fight with each other, but we always fight for each other.

We celebrated 24 years of marriage this month.  It feels like a heartbeat in time. He is the only one for me.  From now until the end of days Craig, I love you, and because of you, I believe in love at first sight!

If you missed Craig's side of the story, you can read it here :)

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