Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Story of Us: Craig's Side

"That's the girl I'm going to marry."  Those are words I have been reminded of frequently over the years.
I first saw Lisa at an event happening between her college choir and the church of my youth. We were at Cultus Lake having a BBQ when I saw her across the covered picnic area. I was hanging out with my friends when she came over and tried to engage us in conversation. It was less than successful. I hadn't started to actually take God seriously at that point in my life and did not have that as my plan for the foreseeable future.

My mother had other plans.  She had agreed to take in two billets for the weekend and it would be my job to ferry them around.  I was less than impressed with this arrangement and set out to keep these guys up as late as I could.  Instead they got the upper hand and influenced my life.  We played basketball, I re-injured myself with an old sports injury.  They told me about Bible school and the things they were learning there.  In all it was an adequate weekend (Sorry Cam and Nelson).

What really impacted me though was this beautiful red head who seemed to have an energy and passion that I didn’t have.  During their performance I leaned over to my mom pointed out Lisa and said, "That's the girl I'm going to marry."

That Monday I forgot about everything and went back to life as usual.  God wasn't done.  I'm not sure what got me thinking about Bible School but, together with two other guys we ended up at Bethany Bible Institute. Along the way I apparently let the guys know that I would be finding that red headed girl and marry her.

During that first week I caught sight of her in the massive crowd of 160 students.  Waiting in line for lunch one day Lisa came and asked me why I was at school.  In quite possibly the greatest pick up line ever, I said, "To meet you."  Inside, I said to myself, "Did I really just do that?"  The rest is history.  Her outward beauty was matched by an inner beauty that shone through in how she pursued God and loved others.  This truly was my soul mate and so I pursued her.  I committed to her.  I love her.  To this day, I am glad for that one line, "To meet you!"  Through all of the ups and downs in our life and relationship I have never regretted that day (As cheesy as it was).

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