Sunday, January 17, 2016

Post Surgery Life

I have known for six months that my shoulder would need surgery. It finally happened last Monday. For me, surgery is not the scary part. I was more concerned about life after surgery. So, we are almost one week in, I think I am recovering well. Of course, what do I really have to compare to? Rotator cuff surgery is very different from my previous surgeries. What I appreciate about this recovery? When I am going stir crazy, I can jump on my exercise equipment and work it out. 

Some great insights we have discovered;
  1. When they say a responsible adult should come get you, they mean it. A responsible adult may be harder to find than you think ;)
  2. Someone not under the influence of codeine should read the post-op instructions
  3. Just because your medicine journal makes sense to you does not mean it makes sense to those caring for you. This is probably a task better left to people not under the influence of codeine.
  4. Setting a phone alarm for your medicine schedule is very helpful. Again, this works better without codeine.
  5. If you have a choice, ALWAYS choose day surgery. Recovery is much easier at home than in a hospital.
  6. If you have a choice, private surgery centers are very comfortable. My surgery was covered by health care, however, they booked OR time at the private facility to decrease the wait list. That worked out well for me.
  7. Everyone should be sent home with their own personal blanket warmer.
  8. Your sister should always come take care of you after surgery because your husband already is burning the candle at both ends. If you don't have a sister, you should get one.
  9. It is good for your sister to stay for a week but 10 days or two weeks is better. You need a very excellent brother-in-law for this to happen. Do you think if I ask again, he will let her stay longer? ;)
  10. If you don't try, you don't know. Just because cracking an egg with your left hand is easy in theory, does not mean it is in reality.  Knowing when to ask for help is also important. You should ask for help to get the egg shells out of the pan after you have tried to crack an egg with your left hand...

We are doing very well though that may all fall apart once my sister leaves. She has really made this so much easier. We are very blessed. I am learning what I can and cannot do left handed. I will be just as proficient cracking eggs with my left hand by the end of this! One day at a time, celebrating small victories is where it is at!

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