Sunday, July 16, 2017

What Can I Do?

I heard a gentleman talking about visiting a developing country. He had met people who had barely enough to eat that day and lived in an 8'x10'house. That is as big as my bedroom. They were happy. Like deep, real, cannot lose it joy.

It made me think about how many people I know who have so much. More than they can eat, more than they can wear, more than they need and yet they aren't happy. In fact, they are deeply, deeply unhappy. It makes no sense.

The people in the 8x10 home knew Jesus, had a personal relationship with him. They knew what it was to have no hope and then experience redemption. They had found true happiness and desired to share that with others.

It is interesting that the people I know that have more than they need also know Jesus.  Why do they not have the same joy?

What are we doing wrong?

I read an article the other day that stated: "Christians who do not use their gifts are bored."  Sorry, I have tried to find it again and can't. It was a great article! I totally agree with its premise. I would maybe push it further and say if followers of Jesus are not, using their gifts, developing those gifts and exploring the potential of those gifts they are bored.

God does not intend for his people to be bored...

Maybe the comfort we live in robs us from what it really means to live. Maybe being self-sufficient and not lacking anything can take the adventure out of life.

What part of our life do we desperately need God for?  What can we not do with out him? Really.  If we are not completely dependant on God in something or in some area, there is no stretching, no adventure, no risk. We just get comfortable, lazy and in my experience, miserable.

Have you read through the accounts of the early church lately?  When I do, I cannot help but think we are doing something wrong.

As I read about the early church I am challenged to reflect on my priorities. I am forced to ask what the use of my time and money indicate about my priorities. How are those priorities different from what I am called to as a follower? What is distracting me from my true purpose?

If I am bored, I am doing something wrong.

Really wrong!

I find the biggest danger of our culture is distraction. There is so much to keep us from what really matters. We are lulled into complacency by so many distractions.

Technology, hobbies, sport, information, entertainment, all of these are not inherently bad, but they can use up too much of our time. They can derail us from what we should really be doing. It is a sly tactic of the enemy.  Unfortunately we are easy prey. These distractions can make us complacent about the priorities that should really be driving us. They make it all about us instead of about God, our spiritual family and those around us. Do you know why we are unhappy? Because life isn't meant to be all about me.

How do I put these things back into their proper place?

1. Look at what my time and money tell me are my real priorities.
2. Confess to God the things that have snuck in where they do not belong
3. Ask Him to renew me
4. Explore through listening prayer what God wants from me
5. Share it with someone who will check in with me for accountability
6. Do it.

If we really want to live, something has to change.
Do you really want to change?
What can you do?

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